2024/03/01 New incorporation
A new reseracher has been incorporated to the group. Alejandro is going to work in the lab for the next 2 years.
2023/6/22 Nav1.8-Cre mice arrived
Today we received the male heterozygous Nav1.8-Cre mice kindly provided by Dr. Roza. We will do experiments with these mice in September, when we will have offspring after mating these males with females homozygous for rhodopsin-2.
2023/03/22 Gad2-Cre mice arrived
Finally, the homozygous Gad2-Cre mice needed for the experiments arrived today. In two weeks we will make the mating to obtain mice expressing rhodopsin-2 in inhibitory spinal neurons characterized by the expression of the gad2 enzyme. Before summer we will make a first series of experiments with these mice.
2023/03/08 Set-up ready
We had finally incorpored the new parts of the equipment, we have a bath chamber adjusted to our needs and everything is fine now. LETS GO.
2023/02/07 New set-up mounted
We have mounted the new equipment. We are trying to arrange all the parts. Soon we are going to start the experiments to test if everything can work fine.
2022/09/01 Equipment acquisition
We have started to configure the new electrophysiological setup necessary to record from specific populations of neurons labelled by the genetic expression of fluorescent proteins. Then we will start the administrative procedure to order the different components and finally mount the equipment.
2022/09/15 Mutant mice acquisition
We are currently working in finding the best way to obtain the mutant mice necessary for the proposed studies. The breeder of these mice maintain the animals with one oportunistic microorganism that is not accepted in our animal facility, so we are considering several options to receive the mice in adequate conditions.
2022/10/03 New incorporations to the team
Today, Marta Jaén and Juan Pedro García arrive to the laboratory to join us in this project. WELCOME.
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