Research results
Immunohistochemical analysis of Gad2 mice
We have obtained some images of the labelling of gad2 neurons expressing EYFP (shown in green, white arrows)). We have combined the EYFP signal with the antibody against pax-2 (marker of inhibitory neurons, in red) and DAPI to label the nucleus (blue). This image confirm that the expression of channelrhodopsin is specific for inhibitory neurons.
2023/06/23 First recording of a gad2 positive neuron
Today, we have recorded from a neuron labelled with fluorescence (EYFP) indicating its gad2 nature. In addition the application of light stimulus produced a depolarization and firing confirming the expression of channelrhodopsin and the posibility to manipulate this population of neurons in our conditions. We have achieved an additional milestone.
First recording using the new equipment
Today we have obtained the first whole cell recording of a dorsal horn neuron using the new equipment. In the last trials we had recorded from some glial cells but today we obtained the first recording from a dorsal horn neuron. We have to adapt our in vitro preparations to optimise the recording conditions, but this is the way.
2023/04/26 First positive result with gad2 optogenetics
Using mice expressing channelrhodopsin under the control of the gad2 promoter we have obtained a first confirmation in our hands that optogenetics stimulation of these neurons is able to produce primary afferent depolarisation and firing, and also affected activity in dorsal horn neurons recorded with MEAs.
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